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How to install datapack and resourcepack


Always extract name[Datapack and Resourcepack].zip or .rar first.

How to install Minecraft datapack:
At the creation of a world:
  1. Download the datapack (It may come as a .zip file. If so, don’t extract it).
  2. Open Minecraft.
  3. Create a new world and click on "Data Packs".
  4. Drag the data pack into the Minecraft window. It should be a .zip file.
  5. Click "Yes" on the confirmation screen.
  6. Move the data pack to the right hand side of the screen by clicking the triangle on its icon.
  7. Click "Done" and continue creating your world, then click on "Create New World".
  8. If the data pack has a correct format, it would be enabled in the world. If you have enabled cheats, you can verify by typing /datapack list enabled.

In an existing world:
  1. Download the datapack (It may come as a .zip file. If so, don’t extract it).
  2. Open Minecraft.
  3. Select the world you want to install the data pack for, click on "Edit", then "Open world folder".
  4. Open the folder named datapacks, and put the data pack into it. It should be a .zip file.
  5. Type /reload (if you have enabled cheats) or press F3 + T if you are in the world during the installation.
  6. If the data pack has a correct format, it would be enabled in the world. If you have enabled cheats, you can verify by typing /datapack list enabled.
  7. If it doesn't work then reload minecraft.

How to install Minecraft texture packs:
  1. Download the texture pack (It may come as a .zip file. If so, don’t extract it).
  2. Start Minecraft and click 'Options'
  3. Next click 'Resource Packs'
  4. Now click on 'Open Resource Packs folder'
  5. From here, drag the texture pack file into the folder
  6. The texture pack should now appear in the list of usable add-ons


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